Lesson 18 - 3DS Max - Total Beginners - Lathe Modifier 2

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Date Updated: 
Miled Rizk

This is another example of using the Lathe modifier in the Total Beginners series, you can watch the first part for a deeper explanation.
Here we will create a bottle of water with a geometry representing a label(without a texture).
In addition to what we've learned in the first video, at minute 7:05, we will see how we can add an Edit Poly modifier, and subdivide polygons to create the label part.
Note: At minute 2:50, when I created the arc, if you have never used the Arc tool, you need to click and drag, then release to place the second end, now, without pressing, move the mouse to specify the radius.

Application Version: 
3DS Max 2023
water_bottle.png31.21 KB