
13 votes

Teamwork Script User Interface

DarkScintilla: Maxscript Editor dark scheme

42 votes

A dark color scheme for the Maxscript Editor, inspired by dark schemes available for other IDEs

As i was doing more and more max scripting lately, the urge to do something with the eye hurting Maxscript Editor colors escalated. So i sat down today and had a walkthrough on the various options Scintilla (Maxscript Editors core) provides.


Smooth Edges

23 votes

Smooth Edges is the first and only 3DS Max script that gives you the freedom and control to shape your models the way you want.

Here are some of the benefits you get:

•Never again be forced to move vertices one be one

•Create smooth curves and surfaces

•Have greater control over your mesh

•Model at lighting speed

•Align edges from different meshes to another

•Model at greater precision

Poly Flow

22 votes

Poly Flow is a set of scripts designed to help the modeler with the everyday boring task of rearranging edges. It makes predictable changes to the topology giving you want you want.

Quad Cap

35 votes

Quad Cap is a 3Ds Max script that is designed to produce fast quad caps for even sided polygons saving you time and energy. Why do it manually if you can do it automatically?

Here are some of the benefits you get:
• Save time and energy to model what’s really important
• Perfect quad topology for you cylinders and spheres
• Subdivides perfectly
• Improves hard surfaces modeling and even organic modeling • Plus many more I can’t think of know

Quad Chamfer

110 votes

Quad Chamfer is a 3Ds Max script that produce all quad chamfers, unlike the normal 3ds Max chamfer which produces a lot of triangles.

Here are some of the benefits you get:

•You get better results if you use Quad Chamfer in conjunction with turbosmooth

•No more unwanted pinching

•Great topology

•And many more other benefits over the normal chamfer


147 votes

A better way to select object in 3dsMax's viewport.

The current problem with Max's default selection method is that is cycles trough all the object underneath the mouse pointer, resulting in endless clicks to get the right object. you'll get it in the end but it's not pretty.

So what does this script do?

The existing selecting mechanism is not altered, this just adds a few things.

When you now click on a stack of objects, and keep holding the mouse button down, you can move your mouse up/down to select objects further or closer to the viewpoint.


33 votes

This script makes switching to another viewport when maximized behave like pre-max2010. It prevents a reset of the view so when you switch back and forth you get the view back as you left it.

Subdivision Reversion

106 votes

Subdivision Reversion will recreate the subdivision levels of an already subdivided mesh with 100% precision maintaining the UVs.
It's wide variety of subdision algoritms help artist get the right look and feel on their models.

Render Optimizer V5

438 votes

Bug Free !!! Wink

Hi Guys,

Welcome to Render Optimizer V4. Use this tool to activate the mental ray "secrets". Optimize your Renderings with new Light-Method, Sampling-Method and RAM-Managment. 

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