Tagged 'network rendering'

Render Passes and State Sets Tool

36 votes


A tool to render or store the following passes as State Sets:

  • Matte
  • Shadows and Reflections
  • Shadows
  •  Reflections
  • Z Depth
  • Fast Skin Subsurface Scattering
  • Ambient Occlusion
  •  Normals

Will It Finish? ... Render Time Estimator

17 votes

This is a quick calculator for those of you with backburner render farms. It'll estimate how many frames your computer will render versus how many your idle backburner nodes will in a given amount of time.

For example - say you work at a small studio and have a dozen backburner nodes available. It's Friday afternoon, you want to go home but you're concerned that the new glossy objects increased your frame time to 20 minutes / frame on your workstation. But how many can you render on the farm? This tool will help you. For the type of work I do this tool works well - your mileage may vary.

Netrender Low Priority

14 votes

When network rendering - 3DSMax defaults to 'normal' priority unless you set it otherwise. This script tells max to run in low priority (so that the system doesn't completely lockup) but ONLY when network rendering. If Max is launched normally by a user - it wont be affected.

EXR Network Render Fix

10 votes

Trying to add more channels than default when network rendering out files to the .exr-format is a scourge. They get lost somewhere on the way. This little collection of script forces the channels to be there even on the computers on your farm as they render.

Render Node Monitor

3 votes

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