Tagged 'spline'

Refine By Distance

1 vote


3DS Max Script to Add 2 Vertices on each Selected Vertex by Specific Distance or to All Vertices if no Vertex Selected . Left of the Vertex will be Towered the Previous Vertex . Work on Multi Selected Shapes .

Shape Trimmer

2 votes

3ds Max Script for Making Trimming and Cutting Shapes Very Sample and Easy Thing to do .

The Script Required Max 2019+ to Work


22 votes

Tool for generation fibers around the spline.

Detach Splines

8 votes

Breaks the selected shape object (Line or Editable Spline) into as many objects as there were splines in the original object. Unlike the other explode scripts, this one doesn't try to rebuild the splines point by point and instead duplicates the object and deletes all the other splines, which means they all keep the original attributes like material, material ID, interpolation settings, renderable settings and so on.

Bone on spline

2 votes

Animates bone spline. It will be useful when the animation: worm, snake, or something like that.

-- Update version 1.1
- Now you can change path every time
- Add "Update end frame"
- Minor fixes and improvements

-- Update version 1.2
- Fixed flip bones

Spline Poly Bind

15 votes

Creates an empty vertex-only object that you can deform with polybrushes (or any other editable-poly-friendly tool), and the splines will follow the deformation:

Spline Poly Influence


1 vote

SubSpline 3dsmax script - banner

Total Control of Spline Subobjects



SubSpline is an Advanced Subobject Selector & Material IDs Editor for spline shapes in Autodesk 3dsMax.

Easily expose on screen the vertex numbers and material IDs for all your selected shapes, with a simple toggle button.


43 votes

Simple Catenary

13 votes

Simple multi-point spline approximating the shape of the catenary curve (the shape formed by a hanging rope). Allows for driving the point positions by scene objects, controlling the slack by absolute sag amount or relative to the length of the line between points, randomization of the slack and other options:

Simple Catenary


1 vote


Menus with changing buttons depending on the selected objects and subobjects.
Works with Edit poly, Editable polygons, Edit spline and some modifiers.

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