Tagged 'sweep'

Sweep Profile

563 votes

The new version of Sweep Profile PRO is released.

version 1.01.27

  • Adds the "Assign" button
  • Adds German and Japanese localizations
  • Better zooming to profile on rendering preview
  • Adds an ability to add multiple directories with profiles using the checkbox "Include Subfolders"
  • Fixes an issue with changing a profile dimensions in 3ds Max 2023-2024

version 1.01.12

  • Fixes an issue with changing interpolation for section and path
  • Fixes some minor issues with rendering previews
  • Fixes an issue with applying an activation key

The main functionality of the Sweep Pro lies in its ability to offer a quick and convenient way to build architectural profiles using the Sweep modifier.

The pack includes pre-made architectural profiles (10 for free version and 37 for PRO version), providing users with a solid base to start from.

But the functionality doesn’t stop there; users also have the option to add new profiles from the scene or by adding profiles from a specific folder.

Also, the tool has a very convenient option to change the size of the profile on the fly.


Advanced Sweep

13 votes

A curve-controlled scripted sweep modifier. As of now, both the Interpolation and Profile animation rollout UI items are just placeholders for non-implemented stuff. Using curve controls this way is pretty much experimental and as such, I wouldn't advise using this in production - better collapse it or make a pointcache and use that instead.

Mega 'Sweep'

5 votes

3dsMax SWEEP

2 votes

Refine by 2 Vertices

1 vote

This Script will Add 2 vertices for each vertex in the Selected Spline by Specified Percent
(its useful for fixing the UV for Sweep modifier)
Hope you find it useful.

Turn On Generate Mapping Coordiantes for added modifiers

1 vote

This script will turn On the Generate Mapping Coords. checkbox when a certain modifier is applyed to the object. Supported modifiers are:

- Bevel, Bevel Profile, Extrude, Lathe, Sweep, Renderable Spline

Installation - paste the script in maxRoot/scripts/startup folder and restart 3ds Max.

This script was requested here.

Bevel Profile

0 votes

- The General idea of this script is to convert Sweep Modifier to Bevel Profile

- Option to apply specific shape as profile .

- Full control of the Profile .

ModMac Script - Modelling Macros and Modifier Presets

2 votes

This is a collection of macros that quickly assigns modifier presets to objects to speed up initial modelling workflows. It also simplifies Boolean operations. 


- Quickly Bool with Objects and Splines.

- Assign Symmetry to multiple Objects with the Gizmo set to certain positions.

- Modifiers get assigned as instances exceptions are mCloth and Unwrap, at least for now.

- Chamfer Objects and Splines.

- Assign mCloth with pinned Vertexes.

- Assign some basic materials.

- Quick Radial Modifier

Sweep Tool Pro

0 votes

This tool create a Sweep modifier to extrude a cross-section along a spline.
Can Allows you to apply the current sweep to selected splines great for massive jobs.

Sweep Get Section

0 votes

3dsMax Script for Simplifying the Process of Editing Sweep Modifier's Section .