Tagged 'text'

Dynamic Text

4 votes

Creates a animatable text that changes depending on time. You can use curve editor for changing dependence.

Useful for creating animated infographic labels and tags.

Object info [free]

2 votes

A little free utility which shows information about selected objects. The field is editable so you can copy information to the clipboard.


0 votes


INSTALL: drop file to viewport and copy this file in "Startup" folder of Max

Установка: Перетащить *.ms во въюпорт и скопировать этот файл в папку макса "Startup"

Actions are stored in Category: "Niklit Scripts"


0 votes

Render Info Strip

13 votes

This script was created upon request as a vray frame stamp replacement, intended for mental ray and scanline rendrers.

It allows custom information to be displayed in the rendered image, with user defined font size, style, colors and opacity of the strip background. In addition to predefined keywords, there are five custom expressions and one script value. Original render frame buffer can either be closed or kept open. The settings and callbacks are saved in the .max files.

Round Text

16 votes

Round Text Version 0.2

* Creates text in a circular shape
* Fully interactive UI : Spin the spinners and see the changes
* Tested with 3dsMax 9
* Free for any kind of use and modification
* By Psan, Distributed through Oormi Creations

Show Main Notes

39 votes

This 'bean script' just open notes from text file.
May looks like as 'popup notes' kind of scripts,
but it not create or add something to the scene file.
Come in handy then you need quick access (to read/edit)
some major notes without opening the scene file.

-- What it does --
When open/load a scene file, it check for a text file
with the same name at the same dir, and if found it,
just open it in your default text editor (e.g. NotePad).

-- Purpose-built --


40 votes

Example for viewport labelsThis macroscript allows you to turn on text labels for specific scene nodes, so you can permanently see the node names in the viewport, even if they currently are not selected. This is for the viewport only (the labels will not render) and the label will follow the bounding box of your nodes, whether you animate them, or change their geometry in any other way.


55 votes

infoOverlay UI screenshotUpdated to v0.9 - This Render Effect displays additional information such as frame number - file name - render time etc. as overlay onto your rendered image. Useful for previews - previzualisation and other non-final renderings - should work with any 3dsmax-compliant renderer. All parameters animatable. 

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