animated align dummy

8 votes
Date Updated: 

my hack for creating a helper that is aligned to a object not by means of PRS controllers but actual vertex points on the mesh.

useful for adding dummies for lights that are linked to pointcached objects.

Additional Info: 

version 0.4:
added progress bar with cancel option thanks to ofer_z on the cancel loop thread on cgtalk
added face limit to the accuracy function by the target object's face count.

installation notes:
copy yonis animated align.mcr into the macroscripts folder under UI.
use customize and put it in a quad/shortkey/menu etc`

how to use:
1. the script has two spinners the first control the frame intervals in which the dummy is keyed and the second is the stack accuracy.
2. press go and select the object which needs to be extracted.
3. use the new animated dummy as you like.

enjoy :)

Version Requirement: 
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thegoodwar's picture

This is extremely useful -

This is extremely useful - thanks for sharing!

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