
3 votes

This macroscript adds an "Auto-Link" mode and allows to link objects very quickly when using "Paint selection region" method in the main toolbar. But it works with any selection method and "Ctrl+click". This mode is helpfull if you often need to link a lot of objects together.

Additional Info: 

Installation :
-Execute the Macroscript
-Go to "Customize user interface"->"Toolbar"
-Create a new toolbar
-Go to the Group "Main menu", category "Animation Tools"
-Drag and drop the script "AutoLink" in your new toolbar


When you click the button, you enter in "Auto-Link" mode and click again
to exit the mode.
To link objects really quickly, use the selection method "Paint selection region".
The link, between the objects, follows the selection in the order child->parent.
If you select in the opposite direction, the script deletes automatically the old
link and creates a new one, so you don't need to unlink manually.

Look at the video demo on youtube!

Version Requirement: 
Video URL: 
auto_link.mcr842 bytes


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ibm's picture


thanks for the script, very fast works. in comparison with analogues.

br0t's picture

Hah, that's cool!

Hah, that's cool!

Never get low & slow & out of ideas

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