Batch Material Editor

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This script allows you batch edit multiple materials and bitmaps.

Additional Info: 

###################### v1.9.1
- New. RS_Material support.
- New. RS_Bitmap support.

###################### v1.9
- New. CoronaPhysicalMtl support.

###################### v1.8.1
- New. VrayLightMtl support.
- Fix. VrayMtl integer properties names and number limits.

###################### v1.8
- Fix. Corona Layered Material layers didn't work.
- Fix. CoronaMtl mediaMode added.

###################### v1.7.9
- Fix. It was a bad idea to fill list with compatible shaders only. Now list contains all supported shaders if renderer is installed.
- Fix. Error when last operation was "Clear map slot" and checkbox was enabled.

###################### v1.7.8
- New. Script will use shaders and maps that compatible with current renderer. For example VRayHDRI even in Corona.
- Fix. Renderer identification system is removed. All related errors should be fixed.
- Fix. Mode radiobuttons last state was broken.

###################### v1.7.7
- New. Last used settings now saved in .ini file and works between 3dsMax sessions.
- Fix. Exclude by reflect ior FStorm didn't work.

###################### v1.7.6
- Fix. Default X position now 200px instead of 1500px, for people who have small resolution screen.
- Fix. Error when current renderer is not supported.

###################### v1.7.5
- New. Partly VRayHDRI map support.

###################### v1.7.4
- New. FStorm material and bitmaps support.
- New. Shaders list will contain only shaders available in current render engine.
- Changed. Small changes in Exclude rollout.
- Changed. ms file is removed. You can comment first line of script to use it like .ms
- Changed. Script is now called "Batch Material Editor" without "Corona".
- Changed. Script is now only on ScriptSpot.
- Changed. Macro Category was changed to "Nik Scripts".

###################### v1.7.2
- Fix. Maps mode didn't work.

###################### v1.7.1
- Changed. GO button disabling behaviour.
- Changed. UI disabling behaviour.
- Fix. Clear map slot.
- Fix. Previous mode.

###################### v1.7
- New. Medit selection material mode (Read Help)
- New. Medit selection map mode (Read Help)
- New. Help on forum and Help button in UI
- New. Message string for errors and summary info
- New. GO button will be disabled when properties selection is invalid
- New. Dialog will save Position, Mode and Filter in current 3dsMax session
- Changed. Ignore materials renamed to Exclude materials
- Changed. New intuitive UI in Exclude materials
- Changed. Bitmaps UI is not locked by default
- Changed. Bitmaps switches automatically enabled when property is modified
- Changed. Now randomized value can't be more or less than valid value

###################### v1.6
- New. Randomization of any float and color values.
- New. Size, offset, angle parameters for Bitmaps and CoronaBitmaps.
- New. Clear all maps in selected parameters (map slots). You can undo that

###################### v1.5
- New. Ignore materials by some properties. Works with CoronaMtl and VrayMtl.

###################### v1.4
- New. Properties now sorted by class and name. Class is visible in list.
- New. You can filter them via filter class presets buttons or/and by name.
- New. Now you can select multiple properties IF all of them share similar output values.
- New. Bitmap and Coronabitmap properties.
- Changed. Code optimisation.

###################### v1.35
- Changed. "All materials" and "Selected materials" buttons that starts changing property will be disabled when list is empty (if search is invalid).
- Fix. Error caused by invalid search.
- Changed. Code optimisation.

###################### v1.3
- New. Adaptive dialog height.
- Fix. Some bugs.
- Changed. Code optimisation.

###################### before 1.3 changelog is lost


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NiK684's picture



garretthoyos's picture


Thank you - this script is awesome.

1. Run Script
2. Customize User Interface
3. Toolbar > Categories dropdown > look for Nik
4. Click and drag "batch materials" to your toolbar.

I'm using it for editing multiple bitmaps, works flawlessly so far.

NicolasC's picture

Thanks for sharing !

Obviously a useful tool for daily work :) thanks !


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