
5 votes
Date Updated: 
Author Name: 
Shawn Olson

Detailer Plugin

Detailer is a commercial scripted plugin for 3ds Max to generate billboards. Its main focus is creating billboards that can be exported into the Source Game Engine.

This plugin will add a new category in your create tab called Wall Worm and add three geometry objects that you can create:

Detail Type
Detail Group
Detail Prop

These objects represent a VBSP file for the Source Engine. With this tool you can create scattering rules that you can export as a VBSP file; or you can simply scatter models in the scene based on the same rules and export the scene as a VMF (level) where the detail props are exported as prop_detail_sprite or prop_detail models.

Detail Props can be set to the following shapes: Default (billboards), cross, or tri.

I'll be adding video tutorials soon.

Additional Info: 

This plugin works best when installed alongside the free Wall Worm tools, as it unlocks and enhances some Wall Worm functions.

If you already have Detailer installed and update to WW 2.15+, you need to make sure you also have the latest version of Detailer in order to properly export levels with Detailer nodes.

Video URL: 


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Internal Updates

Some new methods were added that are used in the latest versions of the VBSP Importer that is in Wall Worm. These new methods are not exposed to the UI yet. If using the latest versions of Wall Worm, this update is required for some functions.


Shawn Olson

Developer of Wall Worm

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