Get In Line! (May 9,2011)

35 votes
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This script evenly distributes the selected objects based on the start and end target objects.

Anyone is more than welcome to add to this.
Things you could potentially add are qsorting, transform, scale, and rotation sorting as well.

Right now it just does position.


- V1.0 | Distribute selected objects evenly between two targeted objects

- V2.0 | Random position offset for each object on X,Y,Z

- V3.0 | Functionality code rewrite

- V4.0 | Offset position adjustments and bug fixes

- V5.0 | New UI design and random positioning along vector
- V5.0 | Custom Axis selecting for position aligning individually for X,Y,Z.


- Distribute Option for each axis individually X,Y,Z
- Distribute Rotation
- QSort selected objects (will allow for animating ex:spring)


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art0411's picture




sergo's picture

This is the most amazing

This is the most amazing little tool. Another one is Shuffle.
Thank you, you've made my job lot easier.

tassel's picture

First thing that crossed my

First thing that crossed my mind when i saw this was:

What about add functionality that lets you pick for example an spline and make the possibility to make an loft/profile of the spline between these 2 points?

Nice script by the way :)

/ Raymond

JokerMartini's picture


If everyone wants to, we could all dive into further developing this if wanted.

We could first start a wishlist, because I could see this being very useful as well.

John Martini
Digital Artist (new site)

tommym's picture

Get in line

This may have a lot of potential.
Will it do the same on vectors from a center point?
Thanks from Paul


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