ID Birlestirici (ID Combiner)
Id combiner Please use google translate for translation. Id Birleştirici v.1.0, Multimaterial ile birden çok material içeriği olan 3d objelerimizde gereksiz farklı yüzey id si tanımlanmış ve tekrarlanmış olan materialleri tek bir yüzey id numarasına ve material id sine eşitleyip, gereksiz id ve benzer materyallerden kurtulmasına olanak sağlamaktadır. Böylelikle unreal engine 4 unity gibi oyun motorlarında material karmaşalarından kurtulmuş ve işlerimizi hızlandırmış oluruz.
Try this one
I was bored and decided to try out Google Translate. I am not saying its perfect but its in English and hopefully makes life better for you. Download and replace both files in your 3D Max script folder or wherever it is installed to.
Can't find any download link.
Kind regards
I hope I will translate English at an empty time.
+1 Look very handy, but I
+1 Look very handy, but I don't really understand the ui text too (french) :-)
could you please translate for us in English ? is it turkish ?
It would be good if you can
It would be good if you can convert all text in your script to EN ..coz you most of all here can use and understand it.Thanks