Instance Materials and Maps by Name and Class
Free 3ds Max script for fast clearing a scene from duplicates of materials and maps.
Often after importing a file from DWG, FBX, or other 3D formats, a lot of duplicated materials and maps appear in the scene.
This script will help clean up your scene from such materials and maps.
- Place Materials to Material/Slate Editor
- Select a material for using as a source for others
- Press the button “Make Instance”
* To exclude the material(s) from instantiating – rename it
“Instance Material” script included in the free Kstudio Scripts pack
Material instance by name
I am apologize for VRay blend material instance by name and class is working fine.
But it is working only VRayBlendMtl to VrayBlendMtl and VRayMtl to VRayMtl instance.
Is it possible can we add two check box
1. is instance by name and
2. is instance by class.
I want to explain why we need it.
When i am importing model form other software then 3ds max apply standard material by default
and name the material as it is given in other software.
If scene already has same name VRayMtl and i import revised model from other software.
It has StandardMtl and same name but script can not instance.
Every time i need to convert StandardMtl to VRayMtl then run script.
Script instance both material when both materials are VRayMtl.
But when scene has VrayBlenMtl and i am importing revised model from other software.
It has StandardMtl and same name but script can not instance.
Is it possible both material instance by name only?
Sketchup Master
Vray Blend Material is supported
I checked this and it works as expected with Vray Blend Material
I tested it with script version 1.42
Vray 6.00.04
3ds Max 2021
can't instance blend material VRay
thank you for script its very help to instance scene material . . .
but it can not instance blend VRay material in scene
please check and revert
Sketchup Master