J3D Moya

2 votes
0.5 beta
Date Updated: 

======================= Overview =======================
It transfers geometry and animation (cameras, meshes and vertex animation) back and forth between modo, Maya and 3dsMax. It also sends geometry to Mari.

===================== Requirements =====================
modo 601 or higher
Maya 2012 Advantage Subscription Pack or higher
Exocortex Alembic plugin for 3dsMax (ver. 1.0.60 or higher)
Python 2.6+

====================== Installation =======================

>> modo
1.- Copy the ‘j3d_moya’ folder into modo user Config’s folder and restart modo

>> Maya
1.- Open ‘j3d_maya2modoRun.py’ script (j3d_moya->Scripts->maya) from the Script Editor and edit the path in the last line to point to ‘j3d_maya2modo.py’ location (j3d_moya->Scripts->maya).
2.- Save it in the shelf for easy access
3.- Make sure Alembic’s plugin is loaded in Maya (it’s not by default)

>> 3dsMax
1.- Exocortex Alembic plugin for 3dsMax needs to be installed. Join the mailing list and download the latest beta.
2.- Either drag and drop ‘j3d_moya3max_install.mzp’ (j3d_moya->Scripts->max) onto 3dsMax or run it from MAXscript->Run Script… menu (if one option doesn’t work, try the other one)
3.- A new top menu called ‘J3D’ will show up and you’ll be able to run Moya from there

NOTE: Make sure you run 3dsMax as administrator. Maya and modo will have to run as administrator as well to work with 3dsMax

>> Mari
1.- In the ‘Scripts’ tab, in Mari’s preferences, make sure the option ‘Enabled’ is checked.
2.- Uncheck ‘Limited to localhost only’ if you want to send geo to Mari on a different machine. For that, enter the IP in the host field of modo/Maya/3dsMax Moya’s tool.

>> General things to keep in mind
1.- modo and Maya need to open the port using the ‘Open Port’ option to receive data. Not necessary in 3dsMax.
2.- 3dsMax and any program that needs to communicate with it (Maya or modo) needs to run as administrator
3.- Python 2.6 or higher needs to be installed
4.- Exocortex Alembic plugin for 3dsMax needs to be installed to support cameras and animation data transfering from/to 3dsMax.
5.- This is a beta version, so you may find some bugs, or some features are unfinished. Use it at your own risk.

For more info go to the download link!


Version Requirement: 
Tested on: 3dsMax 2012, modo 601, Maya 2012 ASP, Mari 1.4v1
Other Software Required: 
Exocortex Alembic, Python 2.6+


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dsp_418's picture

Link is working on author's

Link is working on author's website.

robobear510's picture

this looks usefull if it wasnt dead

hey, why don't you upload to scriptspot - the download link is dead, and I'm thinking I could use this sometime, I was actually looking for a send spline from max to modo, but this look pretty cool

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