Key Manager

6 votes
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"This is a version of the Key Manager script originally by Randy Kreitzman. I modified it to work with TCB controllers instead of just Beziers. It allows you to change the tangent type - ease in/out and TCB settings for a bunch of selected Track View keys all at once (even on multiple controllers). You can also shift what is selected - and affect prev/next keys as well.
Version 4.4 fixes bugs where Custom Attributes might not have been affected if they weren't named properly - or were multiple definitions. Now all CA's should be handled correctly. "

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kysterama's picture


The clunkiest thing for Max users is that you MUST open the graph editors to manipulate keyframe tangents.

All I wanted was to select keyframes like After Effects in the timeline and press an "auto" or "linear" button without having to wrestle with the curve editor. This does it perfectly. What a time saver!

crystal3d's picture

Great script

The only script that can shift obj keys of 2000 objects simultaneously! life saver!

huge thanks, it s miracle!

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