Object-Bound Camera Clipping

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Adds additional controls to the selected camera for driving clipping planes using objects in the scene.

Object-Bound Camera Clipping 3ds Max script


  • Pick an object to control the distance for near clipping and another one for far clipping.
  • Optionally set an offset from the picked object in each case.
  • Automatically places the near clipping plane on the face of the picked object that is closest to the camera.
  • If you pick an object with no surface, such as a helper, it uses the object pivot to calculate the distance for clipping.
  • Since this script adds custom attributes to the camera, you can freely reuse the camera for other projects or 3ds Max versions without needing the script. 
  • Currently supported cameras: Physical Camera, VRay Physical Camera.
Version Requirement: 
2015 +
Video URL: 


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rode3d's picture

Camera Clipping Pro 3dsMax plugin just launched!

Looking for a more advanced version of this script?

We've just launched Camera Clipping Pro !

Includes this additional features:

  • Auto-ajust FOV/Focal length to keep the same framming while you move the camera towards or away from the target.
  • Supported cameras: 3dsMax Physical Camera, VRay Physical Camera, Corona Camera.


Get it here!

tahir1983's picture

remarkabe tool! thanks very

remarkable tool! thanks very much! so it ll be great if it available for fstorm and corona cameras

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