Replace "ColorCorrect" by 3ds max "Color Correction" plugin
Future versions 3dsmax may does not have proper ColorCorrect version written in time. It might be a problem opening old scenes with ColorCorrect in new 3dsmax. The task is to ease this conversion.
OR if you just don`t like ColorCorrect plugin and wish to convert to standart Color Correction.
Replaces ColorCorrect instances with standart 3dsmax Color Correction saving this data:
- source color
- source map
- gamma
- HSV and HSL saturation values
- HSV and HSL hue values
- mono and invert switches
note: Be careful - other ColorCorrect data will be ignored.
note2: Sometimes the results are only aproximation of ColorCorrect output texture, so use manual adjustment after running this script. But in most cases works just fine. Please report about any bugs or inproper conversion.
Same filename, but added "_replaced_cc" at the end of filename.
USAGE (usual for macroscripts):
- Run script
- Now script is in category "Work_assistant". Bind a hotkey or create a button ;)
- Engage script
- enjoy :)
UPD: Some bugs fixed. Now working propertly with both HSL and HSV parameters.
Also, now it switches Color Correction map to Advanced Lightness mode automatically.
UPD2: "Mono" and "Invert" taken into consideration.
Attachment | Size |
---|---| | 2.46 KB |
you need to install color
you need to install color correct from cuneytoz first and then use it to convert color correct to max color correction.
Error on Max 2014
I am getting this error when using the script in 3Dsmax 2014 64bit:
Type error:getClassInstances requires MAXClass, got: undefined
Any chance to make it work for that max version?
Tried it
Awesome, it did what it says.
Thank you for sharing
I am getting an error When I run the script
Type error:getClassInstances requires MAXClass, got: undefined
Please help.
Thank you
does this work in
does this work in 2012?
having problems with that bloody color correct plug in
If you run this script like
If you run this script like you do it will just register it in 3ds MAX. So to make it work you have to assign a key to it or make a button. Go to Customize -->> Customize User Interface -->> Toolbars -->> New... Make new toolbar. Then choose category "Work_assistant" and find "replace_cc_by_maxcc" and drag it into newly created toolbar. Enjoy! :) This is a standart procedure for each and every declared macroscript.
And if you wan it to run using Maxscript -->> Run Script, then simply delete first line ("macroScript replace_cc_by_maxcc category:"Work_...") of my script. Enjoy! ;)
Sorry, man, gonna fix this
Sorry, man, gonna fix this issue during next 3 days. You got my word.
Nothing Happens?
Hi there. Thank you for the script. When I run the script from MAXSCRIPT>RUN nothing happens. I'm on max 2009x64 with colorcorrect plugin installed.
I open a scene containing colorcorrect usage, run the script, but nothing.
Any ideas?
Thank you.
hi. I found a mistake in my
hi. I found a mistake in my wish. :)
the "mono" option from colorcorrect plugin has not to be translated to "-100" saturation in "colorcorrection" plugin!
it has to be translated to the option "monochrome"
is this possible?
thanks for reply. if you wish I will pay for your work, it's really important for my daily work.
best regards
I use the script everyday and
I use the script everyday and would love to see the translation "mono to desaturated" soon. Have you made the changes?
thanks for your effort.
best regards