Set Selection FIlter based on selected object

5 votes
Date Updated: 

This script was requested by titane357 here: click.

What it does:

When nothing is selected and you run the script it set the Selection Filter dropdown list to All.

If Spline object is selected it set the Selection Filter to Shape

If light object is selected it set the Selection Filter to Light

and so on.

Installation: drag and drop the mcr file in max viewports. Go to Customize - Customize User Interface - "miauu" category and search for "Selection Filter Switcher" script.

Version Requirement: 
max9 and up.
miauuselectionfilterswitcher.mcr1.38 KB


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heejun's picture

wow.. good idea!


milie's picture


Very useful, like most of the scripts found here, this should have been available default with 3dsmax.

lightcube's picture


This will be a handy little keyboard bind.


Shawn Olson

Developer of Wall Worm

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