Store Frame Markers

21 votes
Date Updated: 
Author Name: 
Jonah Hawk

This is a simple little floater that allows you to store and recal frames in time. By default it sets markers at 10% intervals across the timeline. Shift+Click to memorize a frame number.Ā 


Video URL: 
Jonah_FrameMarkers.mcr4.68 KB


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burdurky's picture

Keyframes linked to excel cell

Keyframe changeable a linked excel speadsheet

Can anyone write a script that moves keyframes in max linked to an excel spreadsheet cell or MS project. So that when you update the excel cell the max keyframe moves, with all its attached properties, rotation, scale, modifier etc.
[email protected]

I will pay!

maxjix's picture

good thx !!!!

good thx !!!!

My job is motiongrapher. i love and respect it.

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