Taskkill 3dsmax.exe

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Nikolay Litvinov

Unzip in any folder and just need to create a label in Desktop and assign a hotkey in it

taskkill_3dsmax.zip201 bytes


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nnq2603's picture


But I meant.. sometimes I can't kill 3dsmax.exe neither by task manager or similar process managers. So I believe that this tool which make a command in console also failed to kill it either. But not the problem with this script. I just wonder why sometimes 3dsmax refuse to exit regardless you try killing it by taskmanager or alternative tools.

Nik's picture
vusta's picture

why stop there ?

so if you CAN see THE process...why don't you just right-click and END process ?

sorry you did try to kill ...my bad...

nnq2603's picture

About 3ds max refuse to close...

Do you know why 3ds max sometimes refuse to completely exit and release all consumed RAM to system for other using?

I mean, after open and working in heavy scene, I close it it doesn't exit, I kill the process in taskmanager and it doesn't go either (only windows dissapear but the process itself still running, large amount of memory it consumed still hang there). And after 5-10 minutes or so, it might completely vanish from processes list...

Is there anyway to force kill 3ds max in such situation? In some cases, I even logoff Windows and re-loggin still seeing it running in processes list.

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