turboTools - Making your workflow that much faster
What is turboTools?
turboTools has been an expanding project I've been working on for the past couple months off and on, mainly to reduce stress with the current max toolset, and increase my productivity speed and accuracy.
What does it do?
turboTools is meant mainly for two things. To speed up the users workflow, and to make working with Max easier for beginners and advanced users alike.
turboTools spots many differen't types of tools/scripts to make UV selections faster/easier, aligning/welding many verts faster, view multiple bitmaps of a texture at once with properies, and so on.
****** Version 2.8 Updates********
- Fixed issues with Installer not copying over icons properly, causing the Toolbar to not load.
- Fixed issues with the Toolbox tool, so now it works with Max 2013, as well as having other imrpovements and backwards capability.
- Fixed up some issues with the ShrinkWrap tool, and added a Border Constraint option.
ToolBox (Updated!!)
Bugs in Max 2013
There are at least two more bugs:
- the scripts do not work if the User specified a custom scripts folder. You need to use 'getDir #UserScripts' to get the correct path.
- there is an issue in this line 'local img1 = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Bitmap" bitmap1' in turbo_Tools_Compact.ms saying that the number of parameters is not correct. It seems that a few dotNet Classes have changed...
I would appreciate if you found the time to fix this.
Workaround for installation
I set the permissions right but I could not install this tools the direct way.
So I extracted the turboTools_V2_Max2012_64Bit.mzp to my scripts folder an ran the install.ms manual over MaxScript.
That's it.
Update for Max 2012-2013 64bit
I've updated the downloads for Max 2012-2013 64bit right now. Give those a shot and let me know if you have any issues.
I will update the others and my webpage in a bit.
- Toolbox now works properly in 2013, as well as has some other improvements
- Installer should now work properly for either version
Matt Lichy - 3D Artist
3DS Max 2013
When I attempt to install the script to 2013 x64 I get an error every time I click the TurboTools button on the toolbar.
-Runtime error: Can't load Button images: bitmap: "turboMain_24i.bmp"
The icon is not even showing up. This works fine on 2012, but since I was required to move to 2013, not having these tools is killing me. Any idea what is causing this issue. I even attempted to look for that file in my 2012 install to manually install it, but no luck.
Hey, Yes, this is a 2013
Yes, this is a 2013 change they made. Are you talking about Secondary Isolate?
I have fixed the installer for 2013 locally I believe. I just need to update the zip files and this page.
Right now there is no way to dock the bar on max load. I could possibly add that feature though.
I might have an update posted this weekend.
Matt Lichy - 3D Artist
Toolbox, Max 2013
after trying to add an object, I get a dotNet error message "Runtime error: No such macro-script: Isolate_Selection" .. I presume this is because Autodesk changed the way selection isolation works in '13?
3ds max 2013 compatibility
Thank you for this useful tool and keep it free. Can you update for max 2013?
When I installed the 2012 version in max 2013, it didn't show anything. I have to install it manually.
And if I dock the panel, after using a function, most icons will disappear.
nm got it to work, but is
nm got it to work, but is there a way to permanently dock the toolbar so it loads on startup?
even after following all the
even after following all the instructions here on scripspot as well as your web page i still can't get this script to install. dragging and dropping it into max's viewport or running the script doesn't bring up the install menu. is there something I'm missing? I've run as admin and set all the file folder permissions accordingly. Currently i'm running 2012 with all the latest hotfixes and service packs
I've Updated my downloads on my site for Turbotools.
I found that the .MZP install had some missing code that should have been there, and I also changed how the files are initially extracted so now it should hopefully install/uninstall without any issues.
Matt Lichy - 3D Artist