Vray Mat Lister
Hi everyone,
I'd like to share a script I have made.
It's for Vray and it makes a list of all your VrayMtl (and of the main parameters) you have in your scene.
UPDATE Version 0.5 for vray 3.xx
This tool allow you to modify all your vray materials parameters quickly. Globally it works like the Vray Lightlister
Some Features :
- You can rename your materials directly in the rollout
- Rightclick on Refresh to Hide Parameters containing Bitmaps
- Subdiv labels are Buttons :
- Click to open rollout to set ALL material's Subdiv
- Rightclick to set ALL material's Subdiv automatically
You just have to drag and drop the script in the viewport
Maybe there is already a script like that, but I don't find it (or I didn't search enough)
If so, my bad, just ignore this post
Feel free to tell me if there are bugs, or some features you'd like to see in the next version.
I have written it with 3dsmax 2013 and tested in 2016
PS : English is not my native language, so please, write slowly ;)
Attachment | Size |
v-ray_matlister_0.4.mse | 17.32 KB |
v-ray_matlister_0.5.mse | 18.8 KB |
Hi !! This is because it's
Hi !!
This is because it's not a MacroScript.
For doing what you want, you have to create your own macroscript
like :
macroScript VrayMatLister category:"Whaterver" toolTip:"VrayMatLister"
on Execute do fileIn "your_script_path"
And save it in : C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\VERSION - 64bit\ENU\usermacros\
Then you will be able to put it in a toolbar, or even assign a shortcut
Can't find the category
Hi, there, super useful script. But when i try to make a toolbar i can not find it. Which one is category?
Cheers and thank you
Can't find the category
Hi, there, super useful script. But when i try to make a toolbar i can not find it. Which one is category?
Cheers and thank you
I hope...Can you creat Button for options. ex :|Self {All} GI {All}| BDRF {All}....
And update some tick box for new vray version . Ex: Glossy Fresnel ...
Thank you so much!!
Very handy
Thanks for the handy script ,but get an error when trying large or complex files.
a couple of thing to improve if you please :
1-can you please add a global switch wich we can controll all materials at once (for example: set all reflection to value- remove all bump maps,.....)
2- can we also control shader of bitmaps
Thanks again
oh !
Thank you for the feedback, I will check this as soon as possible.
using your script in max2017 I got an error and I don't know how to solve it... I post an extract from the Listener window error:
Error occurred in anonymous codeblock; filename: V:\Lavori\v-ray_matlister_0.5.mse; position: 19076; line: 298
-- MAXScript Rollout Handler Exception:
-- Known system exception
-- ########################################################################
-- Address: 0x2d8244a; nCode: 0x00000000C0000005
-- Desc: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access.
-- Read of Address: 0x0000000000000000
-- ########################################################################
-- MAXScript callstack:
-- thread data: threadID:30592
-- ------------------------------------------------------
-- [stack level: 0]
-- In top-level
-- ########################################################################
-- C++ callstack:
-- (MAXScrpt): (filename not available): RolloutControl::add_control
-- (MAXScrpt): (filename not available): Rollout::add_page
bitmap column?
i love the script!
any chance you could add a column/buttons for maps to load or turn on and off?
wow that was great and very fast update thanks :)
if it easy you may increase the id range to 50 or 100 instead of 15
and make a button to assign a random ID number for each material?
Do you mean a column with the
Do you mean a column with the Material ID channel ?
I've just updated the script :)