VRay Orthographic Rendering Camera Rig

68 votes
Date Updated: 

Simple VRay camera rig to produce orthographic renderings.

  • Front, Right, Left, and Rear Camera positions
  • Adjustable Rig - X, Y, Z, radius
  • Adjustable Camera Settings to fit object in VFB
  • Test Render button for preview
Additional Info: 

Since the viewport won't reflect the final render when in orthographic mode, you have to adjust either the film width or focal length of the camera to get the result you want. That's why I included the test render button to get an idea of how the image fits before sending off the final render.

Version Requirement: 
Written with 3ds Max 2011, Vray 1.5


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Waseem3D's picture

Can it be used for corona render?

Can it be used for corona render?

rachka's picture

If you want to render

If you want to render orthographic mode with VrayCamera go to: Render Setup\Vray\Camera\Type:Orthographic. That's it.

amido's picture

can't download script

i can't download it....please help

ggn gfgfh

Joel Ekstein's picture

I have no issues on it except

I have no issues on it except for my main PC motherboard and videocard. I have it replaced from my insurance (www.protect-o.com ) which is great.

YosiTheGreat's picture

Working great! using 3ds max 2015. Many thanks,

What you need to do is follow the second link where it takes you to the code
writen in maxscript language.
on that page, right click and select save as. This will let you save it as a maxscript
file (ms/mse).
After saving it, go to 3ds max and select 'Customize' from the top menu bar and then
'run script'.
Brows to the location of your file and click ok/run.
This will automaticly prompt the tab you can see in the video tutrorial attached on this page. Very easy to use.
Enjoy and many thanks to the creator.

antonello87's picture

can't download

I have the same problem...where I go the the download link I just find a page with some instruction for using the program. Have you fixed the problem? Thanks bye ;)

dyl014's picture



Arexity's picture

3ds Max 2014

Having problems while working in version 2014, should've I expected this for compatibility reasons? Or am I doing something wrong?

homebrew's picture

You bet gaffer- glad you

You bet gaffer- glad you found it useful!

homebrew's picture

Video Added

I know it's a bit after the fact, but I uploaded a video demonstrating how I use the script.

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