VZim - Fumefx to VrayVolumeGrid

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A one-click solution for preparing Fumefx sims for rendering in Vray.

VZim is a script that will run your Fumefx default sim and post-cache sim as well as create and load a VrayVolumegrid for the resulting sim, all in one click. This allows you to utilize the Fumefxpreview window for sims without experiencing file incompatibility, while optimizing your cache files, and skipping the many mundane steps to get your sim loaded into and ready for rendering with a VrayVolumegrid.

1.4 Changelog:
- Fixed Volgrid not aligning to FumeFX grid

1.2 Changelog:
- Shift-Click now lets you run VZim while bypassing the default cache sim phase.

Compatibility: Tested with 3dsmax 2016 sp1, Vray 3.4.2, and Fumefx 4.0.3 and later.

Other Software Required: 
VRay and Fumefx