XRef Scenes update
I experienced problem with updating XRefs scenes during main scene load. I can hit "Update Now" button on workstation but I can't do this during renderfarm rendering. This script forces XRefs update during main scene load. It should be installed on every single render node. I expreienced this problem at 3ds Max ver 9, script was tested on ver. 2009 also (will propably work at v. 2008). Problem disappeared at 3dsMax 2010.
Put script in ...Scripts\Startup dir on every single rendering server
Attachment | Size |
xrefupdatujnastarcie_01.ms | 294 bytes |
I have scenes where XRefs
I have scenes where XRefs never render through backburner. Didn't know this is a known problem. Thanks for the script, if it resolves the problem then I'm happy!