Access a List controller's output?

Hey Folks,

Is there any way of accessing the final output of an object's Rotation list?

I have a separate object assigned to one of the Rotation controllers via a float expression, but since I have added more rotation controllers the expression needs to reflect the output of all the controllers, not just the one that it is assigned to.
I can only think, if there was an 'output track' of a rotation list that would be what to assign it to.

Any ideas? Thanks, Will


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gobbledegook's picture

On further reading - it looks

On further reading - it looks like an 'Expose Transform helper' may be what I need..... fingers crossed.

gobbledegook's picture

Hmmm... what I'm thinking at

Hmmm... what I'm thinking at the moment is to add a new controller to the list, and then assigning a rotation script to each track to get the average of the other tracks in the list (just as I assume max does to provide an output). If I then put the weight of this new controller down to 0.0, it holds the information (an average of the other controllers) but doesn't affect the object.

Trying to figure a script to average out the other controllers - so far with 2 controllers : '(track1xRot +track2xRot)/57' seems to work. Why 57 I have no idea.... its not exactly the same but close, but I feel it may be just coincidence, as I cant figure out what the correct maths would be.

Am I totally over thinking this....

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