Animating Cameras DOF

Need some advice and testing before doing final posting. Thoughts everyone?

	--Delay only affects DOF Keys
	--Delay does not offset each individual key properly in frames
	--Needs to place a key at 0 even though there is an delay value
rollout rlCameraFocus "Camera Focus"
	local FocusObj
	local RendCam
	local start = animationRange.start
	local end = animationRange.end
	fn ObjFilter obj = 
		superclassof obj != Camera --Helpers
	fn camFilter obj = 
		superclassof obj == Camera --Cameras
	groupbox gpbxFocusObj "Focus Object" width:140 height:52 pos:[5,2]
	pickbutton pkbtnFocusObj "Pick Object" width:120 height:24 pos:[15,20] filter:ObjFilter
	groupbox gpbxCamera "Camera" width:140 height:52 pos:[5,60]
	pickbutton pkbtnCamera "Pick Camera" width:120 height:24 pos:[15,80] filter:camFilter
	groupbox gpbxAnimate " " width:140 height:52 pos:[5,118] enabled:true
	checkbox ckbxAnimateOn "Animate" pos:[15,118] checked: true
	spinner spnKeyAmount "Key every: " fieldwidth:35 pos:[16,142] range:[0,999999,6] type:#float enabled:true
	label lbFrames "frs" pos:[122,142] enabled:true
	groupbox gpbxDelay "" width:140 height:38 pos:[5,162] enabled:true
	spinner spnDelayAmount "DOF Delay: " fieldwidth:35 pos:[14,176] range:[0,999999,0] type:#float enabled:true
	label lbFramesDelay "frs" pos:[122,176] enabled:true
	button btnMakeInFocus "Make In Focus" width:140 height:24 pos:[5,210]
	on ckbxAnimateOn changed state do
		if ckbxAnimateOn.checked == true then
			lbFramesDelay.enabled = spnDelayAmount.enabled = spnKeyAmount.enabled = lbFrames.enabled = true
			lbFramesDelay.enabled = spnDelayAmount.enabled = spnKeyAmount.enabled = lbFrames.enabled = false
	on pkbtnCamera picked obj do
		RendCam = obj
		pkbtnCamera.text =
	on pkbtnFocusObj picked obj do
		FocusObj = obj
		pkbtnFocusObj.text =
-- Calculation
	on btnMakeInFocus pressed do
		if FocusObj != undefined then
			if RendCam != undefined then
				if ckbxAnimateOn.checked == true then --Animate On
					with animate on 
						for FV = start to end by spnKeyAmount.value do
							at time FV 
								fromHere = RendCam
								toThere = FocusObj
								FocVal = (distance fromHere toThere)
								RendCam.baseObject.targetDistance = FocVal
								moveKeys RendCam (spnDelayAmount.value)
				else --Animate Off
					fromHere = RendCam
					toThere = FocusObj
					FocVal = (distance fromHere toThere)
					print FocVal
					RendCam.baseObject.targetDistance = FocVal
createDialog rlCameraFocus 150 240