Change ImgTag bitmap source

Hi all

I made a dialog using ImgTag to place a bitmap on it.
Is there a way to change the bitmap used for the ImgTag, choosing it on a dropdownlist?

Here is my try:

rollout progressTest ("Choose Logo!")
  local bm001 = openBitMap("D:\\Test\\logo_001.jpg")
  local bm002 = openBitMap("D:\\Test\\logo_002.jpg")
  imgTag CPanel_BMP "Logo" bitmap:bm001 align:#left 
  dropdownlist LogoList "Choose Logo" items:#("001 - Red Logo","002 - Blue Logo")
on LogoList selected selID do
  MyLogo = "bm" + (substring LogoList.items[selID] 1 3)
  CPanel_BMP.bitmap = MyLogo

>> MAXScript Rollout Handler Exception:
-- Type error: set .bitmap requires BitMap, got: #bm002 <<

Someone could help me to understand where I'm wrong?

Thanks in advance,


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ahmetss's picture

Problem solved

rollout test "Untitled" width:328 height:539
dropdownList 'ddl1' "DropDownList" pos:[16,26] width:288 height:40 items:#("", "1", "2") align:#left
bitmap 'image' "Bitmap" pos:[4,226] width:319 height:200 align:#left

on ddl1 selected sel do
if ddl1.selection==2 then
image.filename = @"C:\01.jpg"
if ddl1.selection==3 then
image.filename = @"C:\02.jpg"
if ddl1.selection==1 then
image.filename = @"C:\03.jpg"
Createdialog test

barigazy's picture


Post your code or snippet


David_Lee's picture

Oops! You are right,

Oops! You are right, sorry...
I just edit my post, entering the code I tried

barigazy's picture


What is the "CustomModel.items" here? I don't see that this is related to any control in rollout


David_Lee's picture

Damn... it's "LogoList", not

Damn... it's "LogoList", not "CustomModel", sorry.

barigazy's picture


try(DestroyDialog ::progressTest)catch()
rollout progressTest "LogoRoll"
	local logos = #()
	imgTag CPanel_BMP "Logo" align:#left width:80 height:80 pos:[10,10]
	dropdownlist LogoList "Choose Logo:" pos:[10,95] width:80 --items:#("001 - Red Logo","002 - Blue Logo")
	on progressTest open do
		local items = #()
		if doesFileExist @"D:\Test\logo_001.jpg" do
			bmp001 = openBitMap (@"D:\Test\logo_001.jpg")
			close bmp001 ; append logos bmp001
			append items "001 - Red Logo" ; CPanel_BMP.bitmap = bmp001
		if doesFileExist @"D:\Test\logo_001.jpg" do
			bmp001 = openBitMap (@"D:\Test\logo_002.jpg")
			close bmp001 ; append logos bmp001 ; append items "002 - Blue Logo"
		LogoList.items = items
	on LogoList selected id do (CPanel_BMP.bitmap = logos[id])
	on progressTest close do (freeSceneBitmaps() ; gc light:on)
createDialog progressTest 100 140 style:#(#style_titlebar, #style_sysmenu, #style_toolwindow)


ahmetss's picture

If options are already added ?

what can be done to get rid of both the code complexity and reduce the base?

rollout Test "Untitled" width:162 height:257
dropDownList 'ddl7' "DropDownList" pos:[7,19] width:148 height:40 items:#("", "1", "2") align:#left
imgtag 'cust4' "???" pos:[8,118] width:146 height:124 align:#left

on Test open do

if ddl7.selection==2 then
bmp001 = openBitMap (@"C:\1.bmp")
cust4.bitmap = bmp001

createdialog Test

barigazy's picture


Chance size of imgTag control to mach size of icon


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