Create and assign material - mr - why its duplicating ?
Heya I want to create and assign material to selected object. But If I'm assigning the same material to 2 objects I'm creating 2 materials instead of assignign 1 mat to 2 objects. Can some1 look at my errors?
fn mats =
for o in getCurrentSelection() do (
try (
o.material = Arch___Design__mi () ="TestMat"
o.material.diff_weight = 0.02
o.material.refl_weight = 1
o.material.refr_weight = 0.9
o.material.refl_func_fresnel = on
o.material.opts_1sided = on
o.material.opts_propagate_alpha = on
o.material.opts_refl_depth = 10
o.material.opts_refr_depth = 10
) catch()
Yeah I thought I would script
I thought I would script in python, but looking how little info of it is on internet I decided to move back to maxscript :(
Python scripting is very similar to mxs. But I not found any use in max for now.
.NET is very well integrated in max. I hope that AD will add Python IDE to work inside max side by side with mxs editor
Wow that was simple... damn
Wow that was simple... damn thanks ! Ure the best! :- ))))
Hey Thanks! So this "almost"
So this "almost" (:-))works great if I select all objects and assign a material. But if I select 3 objects, assign and then another 2 objects and assign I'm still getting duplicated material.
I was thinking that I need an if statement so
That works if material exists but the else function fails to create material if it dont exists.
Also this test :
Also this test function seems to have a weird problem.
If I DONT have the material in scene I get undefined. But when I have the material in scene on 1st execution I get undefined and on second execution I get "mat exists" printed. Is that normal that I need to run it 2x so that I get accurate value? :-(
I come from python scripting pipeline. I did MS for max 5 years ago and the code I posted originally worked for Vray just fine. Its frustrating how MR works :(
Can you hint me out how to fix the if statement? I want to avoid duplication of materials.
For better readability of any posted code folow this rule
assign material as copy to all selected objects
assign material as instance to all selected objects