csWorkPlane v1.52 - Align Workplane to FaceSelection
This script only works on Mesh Faces. How to add Poly Faces? Unfortunately, I don’t know coding, I will be grateful if you could help me. Thank you!
macroScript AlignWorkplaneToFaceSelection category:"csTools" tooltip:"AlignWorkplaneToFaceSelection" ( macros.run "csTools" "RemoveWorkPlane" fn placeGridOnSelectedFace = ( local o = selection[1] local omesh = o.mesh local totalPos = [0,0,0] local totalNormal = [0,0,0] local selFaces = omesh.selectedFaces if selFaces.count > 0 then ( for fc in selFaces do ( totalPos = totalPos + (meshop.getFaceCenter omesh fc.index) totalNormal = totalNormal + (meshop.getFaceRNormals omesh fc.index)[1] ) local center = totalPos/selFaces.count local normal = totalNormal/selFaces.count local selVerts = ((meshop.GetVertsUsingFace omesh selFaces) as array) local firstEdge = normalize((meshop.getVert omesh selVerts[2]) - (meshop.getVert omesh selVerts[1])) local xaxis = cross normal firstEdge local yaxis = cross normal xaxis local gridTm = (matrix3 (normalize xaxis) (normalize yaxis) normal center) local worldTM = gridTm*o.transform global workplane = (grid name:"workPlane" grid:10.0) format "-- Genrating WorkPlane.\n" workplane.width = workplane.length = (distance o.min o.max) workplane.transform = worldTM local tmpSelection = (selection as array) select workplane max activate grid object select tmpSelection toolmode.commandmode = #ROTATE toolMode.coordsys #grid toolmode.commandmode = #USCALE toolMode.coordsys #grid toolmode.commandmode = #MOVE toolMode.coordsys #grid ) else( messagebox "Select face(s) on an object" ) ) if selection.count == 1 and (canConvertTo selection[1] editable_mesh) == true then ( placeGridOnSelectedFace() ) else( messagebox "Select a Face on a Mesh" ) )
I think should change these pieces to “Poly.” but … not working polyOp/opoly
local omesh = o.mesh omesh.selectedFaces (meshop.getFaceCenter omesh fc.index) (meshop.getFaceRNormals omesh fc.index)[1] ((meshop.GetVertsUsingFace omesh selFaces) as array) normalize((meshop.getVert omesh selVerts[2]) - (meshop.getVert omesh selVerts[1])) (canConvertTo selection[1] editable_mesh)
Paid script that works with Poly and Mesh objects:miauu's Work Plane.
Tools and Scripts for Autodesk 3dsMax
It does work with polys
It does work with polys, no need to change anything in the script.
But sometimes script throws an exception, not sure why...
As a workaround I just detach problematic polygon(s), align grid and attach them back.