delete plugin remnants

I want to get rid of some remnants of plugins that I do no have on my home machine.
It is geometry as well as modifiers. I kill the geometry with this:

	for o in objects where classof o == Missing_Helper do delete o

I do so because I cannot select those objects by hand (they dont show up in the scene list). Same thing with the modifiers, I dont know on which objects they are and I dont want to search on like 500 objects in the scene. So I would like to find them the same way as above, like:

	for o in objects do
            for m in o.modifiers where classof m == "I_HAVE_NO_IDEA" do
              deleteModifier o m

So I dont know what class to search for. Any ideas or suggestions?


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Anubis's picture



another tip:
apropos "missing"

or mxs-help topic "Missing Object Classes"


my recent MAXScripts RSS (archive here)

br0t's picture

Great, thats it. Thanks alot

Great, thats it. Thanks alot for the additional tips Anubis, I didnt know any of those two commands yet.

Never get low & slow & out of ideas

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