Delete the path from filename
I wander if I could delete the path name from the filename. I need it in particular case when I have bitmap in the same folder as max file. For example I have this property a.diffuseMap.bitmap.filename ="d://folder//folder//bitmap.jpg" and I want to change it to a.diffuseMap.bitmap.filename ="bitmap.jpg". When I'm trying to do it in script it doesn't change. What I do wrong?
Thanks for any help.
It sorted thank to you, guys!
It sorted thank to you, guys!
how did you sorted ?
hello there .
im having a same problem that you mantioned about your first post about file paths . but my problem is about hdri file missing.
this max file worked another computer earlier and given me to work on it .
but i need it to upload over internet to render farm. but render farms plugin giving me this error about vrayhdr hdri file missing.
so te material isnt in the material browser and when im searched in the asset tracking there is no such file. but its there somewhere .
and i need to strip its path to upload on internet.
or i need to change it's file path .
i didnt know anything about maxscript.
can you guys help me
is there any simple 2 column script or smth. about changing path ?
we can use relative paths w/o
we can use relative paths w/o problems,
just use
)my recent MAXScripts RSS (archive here)
Delete the path from filename
let me try :)
you need to provide the full path string except if there s a suitable bitnap ( same name ) within any of your bitmap path ( declared in config >> user path )
you could also parse your path string with the following function
Returns the file name and extension of a full file name, useful for labeling file buttons in rollout panels.
Returns the directory path part of a full file name.
Returns the file name part of a full file name.
Returns the type extension part of a full file name.
filenameFromPath file -- returns: "myImage.jpg"
getFilenamePath file -- returns: "g:\subdir1\subdir2\"
getFilenameFile file -- returns: "myImage"
getFilenameType file -- returns: ".jpg"
also you could add a new folder in your user path
with pathConfig struct reffer to script doc