Dockable ans resizable WPF window like the scene explorer

Hi everyone

Lately, I went on c# and WPF to create nice UI.
Now, I'd like to create a dockable UI that is resizable when it's docked (like the scene explorer in max 2015) but I didn't succeed for now.

Using the 3ds max .net help (, Creating Dockable UI or new Extended Viewports using .NET section), I managed to be able to see my Window inside the customize menu, but as soon as I lunch it, it crash Max...

To get there, I created 2 class, a wpf window class named MainWindow and the CuiDockableContentAdapter class with this:

public override Type ContentType
get { return typeof(MainWindow);

public override object CreateDockableContent()
return new MainWindow();

Can anyone help me on this one ?


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barigazy's picture


Try on CGTalk forum.


SugaR's picture

Oké will do :)

Oké will do :)

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