Execute menu entry
I have a problem. I want to start a menu entry from script without the output from the Macro Recorder. I have to do this because the Macro Listener gives me a error message when I execute the output of the Macro Recorder.
Output from MC: Global_Menu.Global_Interface.X X With X ()
X stands for words of the menu entry name. like: Play Ball With foot ()
The following message occcurs
-- Unknown property: "x" in
-- Syntax error: at Settings, expected "animate", "undo", "redraw", "pivot" or "printAllElements"
-- In line: Global_Menu.Global_Interface.X X With X()
The Problem is the reserved word "with" and maybe the space characters.
So I decided to start the menu entry per search. I found the menu entry but I couldn't find something in the help to start it.
Does anyone know how to solve that problem?
Thanks for your help