how to change tape object aspect ?

I have problem to use tape tool because it is too awfull.
Could it be possible to have just point helpers with center marker (not the cube and the arrow...) ???


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Anubis's picture

Hi again, I was playing a

Hi again, I was playing a little with extending Point helper and end with some working version that you may test ;)

plugin Helper TapeX
	name:"TapeX" category:"Standard"
	classID:#(0x1b2d8fc9, 0x12c01818)
	extends:Point replaceUI:false version:1
	local me, pt
	parameters pblock rollout:params
		length type:#float ui:spnLength default:0
		on length get val do
			if pt != undefined do
				val = distance me pt
	rollout params "Tape Parameters"
		spinner spnLength "Length" range:[0,1e9,0]
	on attachedToNode obj do
		pt = Point name:( + ".Target") = pt
		me = obj
-- NOTE: After moving the "header" point need to click once on it
-- in the view port or on the spinner arrows to update the spinner.

my recent MAXScripts RSS (archive here)

titane357's picture

hello, I tried your script on

I tried your script on maxdesign2011, and I got :
"--Unable to convert: undefined to type:Float" :-(

Anubis's picture

Oh, yes, I forget some

Oh, yes, I forget some note... I need to write a mouse create tool for this plugin to can use the button from Create panel. Now you can create ane TapeX object using the constructor i.e. "TapeX()" (the same as creating box for exmple - "Box()"). So type in the Listener "TapeX()" just to test it, and if you like it, I'll try to add mouse create tool ;)

my recent MAXScripts RSS (archive here)

titane357's picture

hello anubis, In fact I'd

hello anubis,
In fact I'd like to change max's tape object (in a init file ?), or do another.
Your script let the pyramidal object...
I'd be great to have more elegant (graphical) objects in max.
Thanks for help. :-)

Anubis's picture

RE: "Your script let the

RE: "Your script let the pyramidal object..."

The alternative you're looking for is a new helper plugin, but if only this objects disturb then just hide it. Also to auto-hide the pyramidal object you can include isHidden property at creation time in the example script, i.e.:

tape name:"Tape2" pos:[0,0,50] isHidden:true \
	parent:(point name:"Tape_parent2" pos:[0,0,50]) \
	target:(point name:"Tape_target2"){/code]

my recent MAXScripts RSS (archive here)

titane357's picture

argh, now just "Tape_target2"

argh, now just "Tape_target2" is visible....

Anubis's picture

drat! :( you're right

drat! :( you're right

my recent MAXScripts RSS (archive here)

Anubis's picture

Hi Titane, is this?... tape

Hi Titane, is this?...

tape name:"Tape2" pos:[0,0,50] \
	parent:(point name:"Tape_parent2" pos:[0,0,50]) \
	target:(point name:"Tape_target2")

my recent MAXScripts RSS (archive here)

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