I switch to max 2020 and win10 and I can't move my script window

I made some scripts using Rolloutfloater like :
RF = newRolloutFloater "B" 130 620 580 80
addRollout RONE RF rolledUp:true
addRollout RTWO RF rolledUp:true
addRollout RTHREE RF rolledUp:true
addRollout RFIVE RF rolledUp:true
addRollout RSIX RF rolledUp:true
addRollout RSEVEN RF rolledUp:true
addRollout RFOUR RF rolledUp:false
I switched to max 2020 and win10.
All scripts work fine, I can open rollouts and use tools, but I can't move the whole window...
A little square appear at the place of the name when I try....

Any idea ? Thanks.

win101.jpg36.54 KB


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titane357's picture

HI, Miauu, I saw that in

HI, Miauu, I saw that in regedit u can change some KEYS setting to bring closer the caption buttons. I tried but it doesn't affect rollout Windows buttons enough and can create display problem elsewhere.

titane357's picture

Why this don't work ? RF =

Why this don't work ?

RF = newRolloutFloater "T" 130 1320 420 250 style: #()

jahman's picture


why should it work?
style is the optional parameter for dialogs

titane357's picture

In maxscript doc it is

In maxscript doc it is written that you can add option to rollout with style:#(#...)
I can't see anywhere how to remove minimize and maximize buttons on the script window
I thought that giving an empty Style array it wouldn't create these buttons.

jahman's picture


try combine these two together and you will make it
1. SetWindowLong
2. How do I remove minimize and maximize from a resizable window

titane357's picture

Thanks Jahman, but you

Thanks Jahman, but you talking to the wrong person: I never studied at MIT :-)

jahman's picture


neither I'am
but it will come with practice
unfortunately, but many things in maxscript aren't possible without diving deep into winapi and that type of things

titane357's picture

HI, I switch to max2020 and

I switch to max2020 and win10 from several days now and I saw that not just my scripts have a problem. It is win10 in general. So I will search for a more general solution.
Ouf , my honour is safe !

miauu's picture


I don't have Win10 but is it possible to change the size of the titlebars of the windows(Windows Explorer etc.). I don't know if this will affect the rollouts in 3ds max. I remember that in win8.1(which I use) there is a registry hack to make the borders of the windows thinner.

miauu's picture


From what I see the problem is that there is no titlebar inbetween the icon in the left and the min, restore, max buttons on the right, so there is no place where you to place the mouse cursor and to move the window.

1. Make the main rollout wider(the min, restore, max buttons will goes to the right and there will be free space in the titlebar between those buttons and the icon in the left).

2. Remove the min, restore, max buttons from the main rollout if you not need them.

3. Try this: RMB+Click on the icons on the right and you have to see a menu with some options(Move among them).

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