Interactive IK toggle
Hi guys, I'm a new member of scriptspot and I'm also new to maxscript.
I have an arm rig setted up with Interactive IK (yes, the old one... but it's the only way to achieve what I need!).
So the problem is that I would like to switch the Interactive IK button ON/OFF by selecting certain objects.
Searching a lot I found some ways to do that:
Method #1
obj=$box when select obj change do ( max toggle ik )
Method #2
obj = #($box,$foo) for obj in selection do ( max toggle ik )
Method #3 - custom attribute checkbox
the_IkFkSwitch = attributes IkSwitch ( parameters main rollout:params ( IkFkState type:#boolean ui:IkFkToggle default:false ) rollout params "Ik / Fk Toggle" ( checkbox IkFkToggle "IK On:" Checked:false on IkFkToggle changed state do ( max toggle ik ) ) ) custAttributes.add $ the_IkFkSwitch
All these methods works, but are all toggle between the 2 states, and I need a way to check if IK state is ON or OFF.
I also found the actionMan code for this action:
"0" return true and toggle, "1" return false and do nothing
actionMan.executeAction 0 "313"
actionMan.executeAction 1 "313"
Any idea how to solve it?
Another approach
Another approach could be to check if the "interactive IK" button is pressed, but as I said I'm quite new to maxscript and I have no idea how to do that.
No, in fact I have a vague idea taken from this post:
but I don't know how to tell maxscript which button I need...