Iterate through ui elements with "index"

So basically I have several of the same ui elements kinda like this:

checkbutton ckb1
checkbutton ckb2
checkbutton ckb32

I want to be able to set properties in-mass. So essentially:

fn massPropertySet =(
    while i<=32 do(

I also want to be able to have a single function that stores data into an array based on button suffix #, but I need to check the state of the button:

on ckb1 changed state do
on ckb2 changed state do
fn storeData num = (
     if ckbnum.state then(
          data[num] += <bitArray>
          data[num] -= <bitArray>
--can work around with:
on ckb1 changed state do
    (storeData(1 ckb1.state))
on ckb2 changed state do
    (storeData(2 ckb2.state))
fn storeData num state= (
     if state then(
          data[num] += <bitArray>
          data[num] -= <bitArray>

I tried storing the checkbuttons in an array but get and unknown system exception...

ckbArray=#(ckb1, ckb2)

So basically I need to be able to store the checkbuttons in an array, which doesn't look possible, or convert a string into a "checkbutton ui name" so I can refer to any checkbutton at will via index.

The latter is possible with scene objects, with the <string> as name function. Is there a way to do so with ui elements?


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barigazy's picture

Yes is possible.After you

Yes is possible.
After you define checkburrons you can store it in array.

--u can use mapped function with on/off statement 
mapped fn checkState cArr state:off = (cArr.checked = state)
button btn "CheckUncheck"
checkbutton cb1 "FirstCB"
checkbutton cb2 "SecondCB"
ctrlsArr = #(cb1,cb2)
on btn pressed do 
    if cb1.checked then checkState ctrlsArr else checkState ctrlsArr state:on


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