Key Curves

Im trying to add a curve such as ease in and ease out:

try(destroydialog ::test_button)catch()
rollout test_button "TEST"
-- Locals
local myKey = myObject.pos.controller.X_Position.controller.keys[80]
-- Rollout controls
button curveobject "Curve Object" width:130 height:20 align:#left
button animateobject "Animate Object" width:130 height:20 align:#left
-- Events
on animateobject pressed do
for j=0 to 50 by 10 do
with animate on at time j (move selection [10,0,10])
with animate on at time 80 (move selection [20,0,0])
on curveobject pressed do
myKey.outTangentType = #fast
myKey.inTangentType = #fast
createDialog test_button 160 100

This is the code i have but it does not seem to be working?



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barigazy's picture


Look in INPUT FORMAT and put your script code inside "code" tag.
This is your tool. To understand how to control animations keys read this

try(destroydialog ::test_button)catch()
rollout test_button "TEST"
	-- Locals
	local myObject
	-- Rollout controls
	button curveobject "Curve Object" width:130 height:20 pos:[5,5]
	button animateobject "Animate Object" width:130 height:20 pos:[5,30]
	-- Events
	on animateobject pressed do
		if selection.count != 0 do 
			myObject = selection as array
			for j = 0 to 50 by 10 do
				with animate on at time j (move selection [10,0,10])
				with animate on at time 80 (move selection [20,0,0])
	on curveobject pressed do
		if myObject != undefined do 
			for o in myObject do
				local myKey = getKey o[3][1][1].track (getKeyIndex o[3][1][1].track 80)
				myKey.outTangentType = #fast
				myKey.inTangentType = #fast
			myObject = undefined
createDialog test_button 140 55


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