MultiCam Preview

Resolved most part of the problem need help to
this part that seems simple but I am not
managed to solve, I have to change the value of line
chosen from the value of the spinner
in a listview. vol post another test after I q!

sorry the bad english!


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lunatico-boy's picture

Help Me!!

Help Me!!

lunatico-boy's picture

my test code

my test code

try(destroyDialog testList)catch()
rollout testList "List" width: 400 height: 230
	--criar list
	global obj_Array = #()
	dotNetControl lv "ListView" width: 380 height: 180
	spinner spn "Control"
	on spn changed val do
		val = val as string
		-- Item checked = val 
	fn arrayV tempLv=
		obj_Array = $* as array
		for x in obj_Array do 
			li=dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem"
			li.subitems.add "tempo novo"
			li.subitems.add "Tudo Novo"
			append rows li
		tempLv.items.addRange rows
	fn setings tempLv =
		tempLv.view=(dotNetClass "").details
		tempLv.Sorting = (dotNetClass "System.Windows.Forms.SortOrder").Ascending
		tempLv.CheckBoxes = true
		layout_def = #("Camera", "Frames", "Resolution")
		for i in layout_def do
			tempLv.Columns.add i 90
		on testList open do
		arrayV lv
		setings lv
createdialog testList

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