NodeEventCallback error Help on mouseup make polyface planer

i'm trying to get the "Makeplaner" fn to run when i release a vertex of a polymodel, after it has been moved.
Getting this error (Argument count error: Makeplaner wanted 0, got 2)
NodeEventCallback is very difficult for me to understand, so please help me out.
My first script ;-)

try (closeRolloutFloater MainFloater) catch()
fn Makeplaner =
	$.EditablePoly.ConvertSelection #Vertex #Face
	subobjectLevel = 4
	$.EditablePoly.makePlanar #Face
rollout MakeP "PPLANER"
	checkbutton two "Check"
	on two changed state do 
		if state ==true then
Polymodel = NodeEventCallback mouseUp:true delay:500 geometryChanged:Makeplaner
		Polymodel = undefined
		gc light:true	
createDialog MakeP


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jahman's picture


NodeEventCallback callback function requires two arguments
first is a current event
second is an array of nodes handles
check mxs reference examples

fn Makeplaner ev nodes =
    for n in nodes where isKindOf (obj = getAnimByHandle n) Editable_Poly do (
	obj.EditablePoly.ConvertSelection #Vertex #Face
	subobjectLevel = 4
	obj.EditablePoly.makePlanar #Face
Harvid's picture

Thank you, I would never have

Thank you, I would never have solved myself.
Must buy a book with examples in :-)

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