Particle Orientation

I'm trying to find a way to orient a facing card in a particle system to be always facing camera but be orientated to be parallel to the camera as well. So the bottom and top edge of the facing card matches that of the camera.


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barigazy's picture

Hope this help

pfSys = ($PF_Source_001)
count = pfSys.NumParticles()
theTarget = $Camera001  -- the target
for p = 1 to count do
	local dum = dummy()
	pfSys.particleIndex = p
 	pPos = pfSys.particlePosition  --get particle pos
	tm = matrixfromnormal theTarget.dir --get the camera matrix3
	new_TM = matrix3 tm.row1 tm.row2 tm.row3 pPos
	dum.transform = pfSys.particleTM = new_TM


JokerMartini's picture


    on ChannelsUsed pCont do
    pCont.useTime = true
    pCont.useSpeed = true
    pCont.useTM = true
    pCont.usePosition = true
    on Init pCont do 
    on Proceed pCont do 
    count = pCont.NumParticles()
    source = $Camera001
    for i in 1 to count do
    pCont.particleIndex = i
    tm = source.transform
    pos = pCont.particlePosition
    new_TM = matrix3 tm.row1 tm.row2 tm.row3 pos
    pCont.particleTM = new_TM

John Martini
Digital Artist (new site)

barigazy's picture


I think is better to use
matrixfromnormal source.dir


JokerMartini's picture

I essentially want the

I essentially want the particles to act as if they had an Orientation constraint on them so that they are always facing camera but also have the rotation to be parallel on all sides to match that of the camera.

I tried this but its way to intense to do on large particle counts and actually doesn't orient the particles correctly.

pfSys = ($PF_Source_001)
count = pfSys.NumParticles()
for p = 1 to count do
	local dum = dummy()
	local theTarget = $Camera001  -- the target
	pfSys.particleIndex = p
 	pPos = pfSys.particlePosition  --get particle pos
	tm = theTarget.transform --get the camera matrix3
	new_TM = matrix3 tm.row1 tm.row2 tm.row3 pPos
	pfSys.particleTM = new_TM

John Martini
Digital Artist (new site)

barigazy's picture

Please, screenshoots if you

Please, screenshoots if you don't mind.


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