pivot manipulations


When I select an object, activate Pivot mode, "pivot Only" and move the pivot I have in max listener :
move $ [x,y,z]

But when I write :
maxOps.pivotMode = #pivotOnly
move $ [x,y,z]

it makes my object move. Not the pivot.

Can somebody explain ? Thanks.


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titane357's picture

I did a little script

I did a little script :
local savesnap=snapMode.active
pt = pickpoint snap:#3d
for a in $ do
a.pivot = pt
snapMode.active = savesnap
but I look a way to rotate pivot point to a click like for this script
local savesnap=snapMode.active
pt = pickpoint snap:#3d
WorkingPivot.setTM (matrix3 [1,0,0] [0,1,0] [0,0,1] pt )
snapMode.active = savesnap

titane357's picture

nimportawak sorry made a


sorry made a mistake, I made a little script to align working pivot :
WorkingPivot.EditMode = true
local savesnap=snapMode.active
pta = pickpoint snap:#3d
somethin = Point centermarker:on size:10 constantscreensize:on pos: pta
somethin.lookat = $Working_Pivot001
delete somethin
WorkingPivot.EditMode = true
would like to align the pivot...

Anubis's picture

move() is applied to the

move() is applied to the object,
to move the pivot use: $.pivot = [x,y,z]

my recent MAXScripts RSS (archive here)

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