Press Radio button with Maxscript in Command Panel

I want to press a radio button in the command panel. Someone asked how to press a checkbox in a 3dsmax menu (I have included the link). I am trying to press a radio button in the Command Panel: Proboolean --> (sub-object Operations) --> (Remove or Copy or Inst). These settings are not exposed in maxscript unfortunately. I tried your solution for the checkbox but it does not seem to work for radio button. Can someone help me?

Link to ScriptSpot Thread: Pressing a Checkbox with maxscript

miauu solution for Checkbox:

local RollOutHandle = (windows.getChildHWND 0 "access test" )[1]
local checkHandle =(windows.getChildHWND RollOutHandle "Check")[1]
local VK_RETURN = 0x000D
local WM_SETFOCUS = 0x007
local WM_CHAR = 0x0102
UIAccessor.sendMessage checkHandle WM_SETFOCUS 0 0
windows.sendMessage checkHandle WM_CHAR VK_RETURN 0


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TsveTan's picture

.Net allowed?

Is allowable to use .Net assembies?

OccultArt's picture

Does anyone have an idea how

Does anyone have an idea how to get this 100% working? I really would like to be able to change the radio buttons somehow: Especially to change from Inst to Remove! Maybe it just isn't possible since Miauu did not get it to work.

Inst to Remove - DOES NOT WORK

(Copy to Inst - DOES NOT WORK)
(Copy to Remove - DOES NOT WORK)

OccultArt's picture

I have mailed Miauu and he

I have mailed Miauu and he mailed me a script. But it does not work all the time. It will change from some radio buttons to others: Could someone think of a solution?

Remove to Inst - WORKS
Inst to Copy - WORKS
Remove to Copy - WORKS
Inst to Remove - DOES NOT WORK
Copy to Inst - DOES NOT WORK
Copy to Remove - DOES NOT WORK

Code from Miauu:

function SetRadiobuttonsState rbName state =
	local properRb = false
	local BN_CLICKED = 0 -- clicky message ID
	local BM_SETCHECK = 241 -- checkbutton toggle message ID
	local WM_COMMAND = 273 -- windows command message
	max modify mode
	df = #max
	for child in (windows.getChildrenHWND dF) where child[4] == "#32770" do
		for classN in (windows.getChildrenHWND child[1]) where (classN[4] == "ModifyTask") do
			for btn in (windows.getChildrenHWND classN[1]) do
				if btn[5] == "Extract Selected" do properRb = true
				if properRb == true and (btn[5] == rbName) do
					local parent = UIAccessor.getParentWindow btn[1]
					local id = UIAccessor.getWindowResourceID btn[1]
					windows.sendMessage btn[1] BM_SETCHECK (if state then 1 else 0) 0
					windows.sendMessage parent WM_COMMAND ((bit.shift BN_CLICKED 16) + id) btn[1]
-- the name of the radiobuttons: -- "Remove", "Copy", "Inst"
rbNamesArr = #("Remove", "Copy", "Inst")
-- first all radiobuttons have to be turned off
for rb in rbNamesArr do SetRadiobuttonsState rb false
-- turn on desired radiobutton
SetRadiobuttonsState "Remove" true
pixamoon's picture


Hmm, good question, It's easy to change other radio boxes like Union, Intersection etc in Parameters by simple UIAccessor.PressButton:

for c in windows.getChildrenHWND #max where c[4] == "Button" and c[5] == "Union" do UIAccessor.PressButton c[1]

or with UIAccessor.SendMessage:

for c in windows.getChildrenHWND #max where c[4] == "Button" and c[5] == "Union" do UIAccessor.SendMessage c[1] 0x007 0 0

But it doesn't want to work with Remove/Copy/Inst... :(
Will try something more tomorrow. But maybe somebody else know the solution ?

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