Reform geosphere with spline

Hello everybody,

I have a geosphere in the centre of the viewport. Next I draw a spline in the left viewport on the left side of the geosphere.
Now I am searching for a script that reforms the geosphere to the spline. A sort of ffd with a spline (I think).

I hope that someone has a idea to approach this.


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barigazy's picture


Are you tried PathDeform (WSM) modifier?


Teun's picture

Yes I tried pathdeform but it

Yes I tried pathdeform but it change the whole sphere. I am looking for a way to just reform the sphere on one side. It is like you draw a spline around a sphere and than skin the spline to the sphere. You move the spline and than the sphere formes with the spline. Like that but without drawing a spline around a sphere. The spline is already there.

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