Reload MCR files without restarting max
Since a time, I put all my .MCR folders in a subfolder like this: %localappdata%\....ENU\usermacros\Haider.
If you want to read my reasons, I wont write them here, but read my other post I wrote instead.
Sometimes, I change stuff inside the MCR file and if I re-evaluate, a copy of my mcr is copied to the usermacros folder. So there will be two mcr, one in the usermacros and one in the usermacros\Haider folder.
Is it possible to re-evaluate the code only?
I realize, I could store all the mcr content in an external .ms file like this.
fileIn "$userScripts/"
... but then I wonder, is there a quick way to open without having to manually search for the file?
Please do share your ideas and thoughts :)
Hi again,
say I decide to use external MS files, in other words, opening them with
fileIn ""
Is there a fast way to open the without having to search for it manually? Something as fast, or almost as fast as right clicking the toolbar > Edit Macro Script?
Kind regards
So nothing built-in like the right-click > Edit Macro Script then?
Will check out your solution soon. I had downloaded it before, but not had time to try it out yet.
Kind regards
actually you dont need to
actually you dont need to restart 3dsmax when you install mcr just need to find the script in the costumize ui / category[your script category...thats all...
Thanks fajar. That's true.
But say I right click on the macroscript and edit the script. Then I need to re-evaluate the script.
Since I put my MCR in a subfolder of macroscript, what happens if I re-evaluate? A copy of the mcr file is copied to the macroscript folder. I will end up with two.
I know that I could stop putting them in a sub-folder, but I wonder if there is a way to keep doing so.
I hope I was clear now, please let me know if not
Kind regards