I'm very new with maxscript,
and i need to deconcatenate (with split and slice?? like in js) some strings
and unfortunatly, i'don't have any idea how to do that:
--1 make a collection of all obj in the scene named "*_Master":
for h in $*_Master do print h.name
-- i obtain a list:
-->2 i need to keep only the fisrt letter: "A" or "B" of each obj founded
-->3 make a condition: if it's A: split "_" to obtain: "PersoName"
-->4 find this PersoName folder and import it
if anyone can help me with this, it would be geat because i'm lost :(
Hello again Miauu, I'd tryied
Hello again Miauu,
I'd tryied your last script and wonderfull video about moving layers, and it's working, except when i've got nested layers inside others layers... it's seams to be difficult to move layers exact sub hierarchy and contained nodes?
Send me a scene that contain all layers and objects and tell me the layers that you want to be moved and the name of the layer where they have to be moved. My email is [email protected]
Tools and Scripts for Autodesk 3dsMax
I can't attach you a jpg or
I can't attach you a jpg or png of 57K, the answer is: File upload error. Could not move uploaded file... there's another way?
yes, i need to select only layers inside another layers,
for example all the layers childs of the layer named "Characters"
and put them in another and keep their hierachy,
the same problem arrive when i want to put the parent of a merged max file, all is in mess because i can't select just the layer :(
with undo off with redraw off
for i in MergeAsset do
local newlay = LayerManager.getLayerFromName "Characters"
mergeMaxFile i #select #autoRenameDups #useMergedMtlDups quiet:true
for i in selection do newlay.addnode i
newParent = LayerManager.getLayerFromName "Props"
(LayerManager.getLayerFromName "Clones").setParent newParent
The code below will move all nested layers from the layer with the name "Characters" to a layer with the name "New_Layer". The "New_Layer" must exist.
Tools and Scripts for Autodesk 3dsMax
Thank you for your infinite
Thank you for your infinite patience, the video, and all your explanations, as soon as I have a little time I'll retent it, for the moment I just give you a donation, it is convenient your system of paypal, bravo mec!!
Thank you.
I saw the donation before this post and sent you a mail to ask about the donation, but now I know who is the donator.
Tools and Scripts for Autodesk 3dsMax
you welcome, viva Bulgaria :)
you welcome, viva Bulgaria :)
it's strange, i've got always
it's strange, i've got always the same problem, it's working for you?
if i'v got severals childs in the layer, it tells me:
-- Unknown property: "name" in undefined
if i try this:
mainLayer = LayerManager.getLayerFromName "Props" -- "get the main layer"
targetLayer = LayerManager.getLayerFromName "Clones" -- "the target layer exist, so get it. Or create it if it not exist"
fn GetObjectsInLayer layer: =
local objsArr
layer.nodes &objsArr
objsArr -- return the objects
numChildLayers = mainLayer.getNumChildren() -- "have nested layers"
if numChildLayers > 0 then
print numChildLayers
for i = 1 to numChildLayers do -- "for each nested layer..."
nLayer = mainLayer.getChild i -- "get the nested layer"
print nLayer
nLayerName = nLayer.name -- "get the objects in this layer"
print nLayerName
objsInnLayerArr = GetObjectsInLayer layer:nLayer
nLayer.setParent targetLayer
the answer is:
-- In i loop; filename: F:\la_station\manue\UTILS\MoveNestedLayer.ms; position: 679; line: 19
-- member of: anonymous codeblock
-- Parameters:
-- i: 2
-- Locals:
-- objsInnLayerArr: undefined
-- nLayer: undefined
-- nLayerName: undefined
-- i: 2
-- Externals:
-- targetlayer: Global:targetlayer :
-- mainLayer: Global:mainLayer :
-- owner:
-- GetObjectsInLayer: Global:GetObjectsInLayer : GetObjectsInLayer()
Thank you maou, it's almost
Thank you maou,
it's almost perfect!!! there is only one problem, it's when there's is more than 1 child, it can't find the name of the last nested layer, and retun "undefined" and so don't do anything... ther's another way to do: nLayer = mainLayer.getChild i ?
or may be it's the cycle: if numChildLayers > 0 then ?
mainLayer = LayerManager.getLayerFromName "Props" -- "get the main layer"
targetLayerName = "Clones" -- "the layer where to put the nested layers from the main layer"
targetLayer = LayerManager.getLayerFromName targetLayerName -- "the target layer exist, so get it. Or create it if it not exist"
fn GetObjectsInLayer layer: =
local objsArr
layer.nodes &objsArr
objsArr -- return the objects
numChildLayers = mainLayer.getNumChildren() -- "have nested layers"
if numChildLayers > 0 then
for i = 1 to numChildLayers do -- "for each nested layer..."
nLayer = mainLayer.getChild i -- "get the nested layer"
print nLayer
nLayerName = nLayer.name -- "get the objects in this layer"
objsInnLayerArr = GetObjectsInLayer layer:nLayer
nLayer.setParent targetLayer
The code that I posted above works. Please, watch this video:
Tools and Scripts for Autodesk 3dsMax