Scripted Modifier - Get reference to object it is applied to?

How can I get a reference to the object my scripted modifier is applied to?

I know there is the

on attachedTo nodeVar do (...)

event handler, but when I try to store nodeVar as a #node parameter, it crashes with a DependencyLoop warning.

Any ideas?



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br0t's picture

Awesome that works, thanks!

Awesome that works, thanks! Still wondering why there is nothing like 'this' or 'delegate' that refers to the object the modifier is applied to and we have to do this kind of hack.

Never get low & slow & out of ideas

barigazy's picture


I asked same question when I tryed to write my first scripted plugin but till this day I not know the answer :)


barigazy's picture


Are you tried something like this

plugin someModifier name:"someModifier"
	local theNode 
	parameters main rollout:params
		-- ... parametersBlock
	rollout params "Something"
		-- ... rollout controls
	on params open do theNode = (refs.dependentNodes this)[1]


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