select all objects with the base modifier editable mesh

I need to create two arrays and populate one with all the body objects in the scene and another with all the editable meshes in the scene. Any clues, i'm new to max script.



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3di's picture


Don't worry, sorted.

macroScript 3diFixCad
undo off
windows.sendmessage (windows.getmaxhwnd()) WM_SETREDRAW 0 0
fn FixMesh i = (

FixAll = xform name:“3diXform”
addModifier i FixAll

AddMesh = edit_mesh name:“3diEditMesh”
addModifier i AddMesh
select i
maxOps.CollapseNodeTo $ 1 off


fn FixBody i = (

poly2 = Edit_Poly name:“3diEditPoly”
addModifier i poly2


SelectionArr = selection as array

Count = 0
for i in SelectionArr do(
CurrentTypeOfObject = classof i.baseobject
Count = Count +1
print (“item ” + Count as string)

case CurrentTypeOfObject of
Body_Object: FixBody(i)
Editable_Mesh: FixMesh(i)

windows.sendmessage (windows.getmaxhwnd()) WM_SETREDRAW 1 0

Damn you computer.

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