Select longest edges in unwrap
Hi, is there any chance you could help me with script problem?
I have long strip of polygons of varying length, kinda like long ladder, and i need to select 2 longest edges of side rail, not the rung. While i need to get selection in unwrap editor, it needs to be based on edit poly edge's length not UV edges.
Basically i have long list of these ladder like meshes and need to match it to certain places in UV space. So, i plan to select longest_edge[1], run loop and slide it to correct position, then repeat the process with longest_edge[2]
I can do looping and moving, just can't get the selection part.
Can anyone help me with this?
GREAT SCRIPT! is it possible
GREAT SCRIPT! is it possible to make same with simultionesly selected group of elements ...
Can you explain how exactly the script should works?
Tools and Scripts for Autodesk 3dsMax
This will select the longest edge of selected edges of an Editable Poly object. Select some edges and run the script. It will select the longest edge from the selected edges. Then you have to select the coresponging UV edge and continue with the loop and slice.
Tools and Scripts for Autodesk 3dsMax